Tao to Health

Why Acupuncture is good for your heart

First of all, our heart is the hardest working muscle in our body. It pumps blood which carries oxygen and nutrients to all our organs, muscles and the brain to keep our body functioning 24/7. The heart muscles also need to get good blood flow back to the heart. There’s a saying in East Asian medicine, “bu tong zi tong, tong zi bu tong (Chinese)” which translates to “where there is obstruction, there is pain; and where there is free flow, there is no pain.” This is evidenced in coronary artery disease (heart attacks), deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, stroke, and many other serious illnesses resulting from increasing blockages.

Nitric Oxide

Our bodies produce a neurotransmitter and gas compound called nitric oxide (NO) that is essential to heart health. It’s not a secret that nitric oxide is a powerful vasodilator that can increase blood flow which helps regulate blood pressure and modulates immune function. But did you know that acupuncture stimulates the production of nitric oxide? Yes, there are numerous studies on acupuncture stimulating the release of NO and other important neurotransmitters. Just do a simple online search typing in “acupuncture and nitric oxide” and you’ll get an impressive list of studies.


With aging, our bodies slow down and produce neurotransmitters at a slower and lesser degree. There are supplements and foods you can consume to support the body’s production of nitric oxide. However, with acupuncture, the body gets a jumpstart where your cells are stimulated to produce nitric oxide feeling the effects of increased blood flow within minutes. Many of my patients who received acupuncture for the first time noted how they could feel the blood flowing through their body, in somewhat disbelief as their body would relax deeply. Acupuncture is another effective resource to prevent heart disease and keep your heart healthy and happy. The diagram below illustrates how nitric oxide helps modulate the immune response and benefit the gastrointestinal system. Hence, acupuncture can benefit your health in both short and long term.

Nitric Oxide Beneficial Actions

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